A Closer Look at Macro Photography

experimental-calendar-puffy June 18th, 2010

Macro photography is one of the most popular techniques being used and if you haven't tried it out yet, now would be a good time. Simply put, it's taking close up shots of the subject and that means really close up. The world around us is full of fascinating details, mostly unnoticed since these are so small. By taking macro shots, we are bringing attention to the intricate and unusual features of objects that normally go beneath our notice.

There are many macro lenses available for DSLRs that can focus on the tiniest of details of a subject. Some lenses can even capture extreme macro shots. If you think a bug is tiny, then imagine being able to take a clear picture of its eyeballs. These lenses can be expensive but the image quality is usually amazing in its fineness and clarity.

If you don't have a macro lens, then find out how close your camera can get to the subject while keeping the image clear and sharp. Most point and shoot cameras have great macro capabilities and just by choosing the macro mode, you're all set to take your close up shot.

When you are using the Macro mode (or a macro lens), the depth of field is usually very narrow or shallow. Therefore, while your point of interest is in sharp focus, the rest of the image will be blurry if they are not in the same distance as the focal point. Use this to your advantage since it can further enhance your subject by blurring out possible distracting elements.

By practicing macro photography, you are also honing your observation skills. Seemingly ordinary objects can now appear as works of art if you look close enough. You will find endless sources of subjects for your shots since a simple object such as a fruit can look very different if taken at macro and at different angles.

Shooting pictures in macro is not as easy as sticking a camera close to the subject and taking a picture. You still have to deal with various factors that will affect the shot such as composition and lighting. This might actually be more of a challenge since there will not be much room to maneuver. If you can't get any closer to your subject, then crop out extraneous areas and keep the relevant portion of the shot. Just remember that by cropping you are affecting the image size and your end shot will be smaller than the original if printed.

As a photographer, taking macro shots can be very rewarding since you are making viewers appreciate the beauty of the smaller things in life that would have existed unnoticed if you hadn't stopped to take a closer look.

Allan Peterson

Allan Peterson
