Reporting Tool Update

experimental-calendar-puffy August 4th, 2010

We have modified the way we show events in the Reporting Tool.
Volume shooters will find it much easier to find Events now. Simply login and visit the “Admin” section. You will find a link to “Reporting Tool” on the right side under the “My Account” tab. Groups are now identified as (Group) and Sub Folders are listed below.

We have also added the ability to report by “Groups”
The Group reporting will only show the Events listed in the Group but will also report on the sub Events if those Events have Subs within them. It will not report on any Sub Groups. You can simply run those individually if detail is needed. Of course you can still run overall reports at any time with the date range reporting by selecting “All Events” in the drop down menu. We simply added this extra step of reporting for those that are using Groups rather than Sub Events to organize galleries.

Ilan Artzi

Ilan Artzi

PhotoEventplus - President

Dedicated Father of Three, Devoted Husband, Avid Windsurfer, Passionate Photographer, and Seasoned E-commerce Marketing Veteran. Born and raised in Montreal and now based in the picturesque island of Maui with operations in Canada and the US mainland.

While at the helm of a thriving marketing agency, I recognized an untapped opportunity in the ever-evolving world of photography. My vision was to offer a comprehensive business solution tailor-made for high-volume photographers. With a dynamic development team by my side, I've always thrived on crafting efficient sales and marketing tools. Our mission is to empower photographers to not only flourish as artists but also thrive as successful entrepreneurs.