Send a Link

Photostockplus gives you an easy way to send a client a direct link to one of your albums.

  1. Go to and log into your account. If you are unsure how to log in, see Logging In.
  2. In the left column, click on either ”Event Albums” or “Stock Albums”. New options will now be available.
  3. Click on the “Send Link” tab found in the left column.
  4. You can now enter the required fields:
    • Album
      Use the scroll down menu to choose the album you wish to send a link of to your contact.
      The corresponding link will be shown above as you switch albums in the scroll down menu for you to verify.
    • Client’s Email
      Enter the recipient’s email address you wish to send the link to.
    • Subject
      The entered subject will be shown in the subject field of the email when the recipient receives the message.
    • Message
      This message which will make up the body of the email sent to the recipient.
  5. Click ”Send Link”.