Add Pages to your Storefront

If you have a gold membership, you have the ability to create additional and unique pages to your website. This can be a fantastic feature to build content, give your users additional information, and really build your site in whichever way you see fit.

With gold membership website templates, links to additional pages you create will be added to the default links within one of the column sections through your homepage.

To learn more about Gold Memberships, see Gold Account.

To add a custom page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log into your account. If you are unsure how to log in, see Logging In.
  2. Click on the “My Account” tab in the left column. More options will now be available.
  3. Click on the “Customize Website”.
  4. In the main window, click on the “Extra Pages” link towards the top of the page.
  5. Click on the “add another page” link.
  6. Enter the required fields:
    • Title
      Enter a title which will be shown at the top of the newly created page.
      The link to your newly created page from your homepage will also use this text.
    • Content
      The text entered will be used as the contact for your new page. Use the space in whichever way you feel most appropriate.
      Using the small icons above the field, you can change the formatting of the text, add a Photostockplus banner to help introduce various products to potential buyers (large “B” icon), a scrolling Marquee to display eye catching messages (large “M” icon”), or even various images (picture frame icon).
      For those comfortable with basic coding and who want to add other html or flash elements, click on the “Toggle editor/raw to add HTML or flash code“ link below the field for complete control. Once in the manual HTML editor, you must toggle back to the regular editor once again for the changes to be applied.
  7. Click the “Add” button to create your new page.