Product List Pamphlet

Through your Photostockplus website, you provide your clients with an impressive selection of customizable products. Some of these are quite unique and can be a great selling point to your clients. Making sure they are aware of the range of products you provide them with can help increase and maximize every order while helping you acquire new clients.

Whether you print our product list pamphlet and distribute it at your next shoot, or download and include them in an email marketing strategy, we put together an attractive product list pamphlet to help you inform potential buyers of just how many customizable products you provide them with.

Product List Pamphlets combined with a good coupon strategy has shown to increase onsite sales by as much as 40% so be creative with your marketing. Try the different marketing tools we provide you with along with multiple combinations to find the ones that work well for your business.

Use this guide to download and/or print out a product list pamphlet:

  1. Go to and log into your account. If you are unsure how to log in, see Logging In.
  2. Click on the ”Marketing Tools” link in the left column. New options will now be available.
  3. Click on the ”Product List Pamphlet” link.
  4. Click on the thumbnail of the product list pamphlet. A new pop up window will load prompting you to save or open the file.
  5. Save the file onto your hard drive. We suggest saving it to your desktop for easy access.
  6. Load the image file and print away!

Aside from product list pamphlets, we provide you with many other fantastic marketing tools to help you grow your client base and increase orders. We suggest running through all of our marketing tools as they will make the difference between running a photo website and running a successful photography business: