Buying Prints, Stock Images, and Gift Items

Whether buying prints, stock images, or gift items, the process of ordering always starts with choosing your photo(s) and then simply adding the desired products to those images:

  1. Go to and log into your account. If you are unsure how to log in, see Logging In.
  2. Search for the desired image you wish to purchase as a royalty free stock image. Click here for more information on how to search for images.
    If you are unclear about royalty free images, click here.
  3. Click on the ”Add Cart” beneath the image.
    You may click on the image for more details and a larger format. In this new screen, you will also be able to view the ”Royalty Free Price” of the image if it is made available for purchase in this format by the photographer.
    Repeat step 2-3 until all the images for the order have been added to your cart.
  4. Click on the ”View Cart” link situated at the top right of the screen to review your selections.
    You may add and/or remove images at any point before the ”Checkout”.
    To remove an image, click on the ”Remove” link beneath the thumbnail of the corresponding image.
  5. If a Royalty Free image is the only product you wish to purchase, select it from the product drop down menu, update your cart, click on “check out” and proceed to Step 9.
    You may add other products and/or prints to your order for each image:
    1. Scroll down to the image you want to add a product or print to.
    2. Use the scroll down menu under the ”Products” section to select a product you would like to add.
    3. Enter a number in the Quantity field (Qty) for how many you wish to add.
    4. Click on the “Add” button to the right of the product.
    If you wish to order standard prints for each image, use the “Quick Singles” or “Quick Doubles” links towards the top of the page.
    Here are a few other handy notes on adding and removing products to the images in your cart:
    • You may adjust the quantity of a product added to the order at any time by clicking on the “edit” link to the right of the product or print to open the edit page, changing the “Quantity” field, and clicking “Update and View Cart” found at the bottom of the page to save the changes and return to your cart.
    • Certain products have additional attributes you must select before it is added to your cart. When adding a quantity to an Inspirational Poster for example, a new edit window will open where you may choose certain customization options for the product. Once the attributes are selected, some products will give you the option to preview your selection with a “Preview” button. To accept your customization and chosen options, click on the “Update and View Cart” to save the changes and return to your cart.
    • You can remove a product from the order by clicking on the “remove” link in the right column next to the corresponding product.
    • For more information on any of the products added, click on the ”products” link found at the top of the page and click on any of the items listed.
    • If you are the owner of the images, an owner discount will show below the ”Cart Total” at the bottom of the screen which is a sum of the mark-ups, so you only pay for the cost of the item.
    • Any other promotions will be applied as a ”Rebate”.
  6. Review your order and click on the “Checkout” tab at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Select the cropping option for each product by checking the “Crop” or ”Fit” option below each thumbnail. You can apply one style of cropping to all images with the “Set all images on this page to” option found above the first image, and clicking on the “Crop” or ”Fit” link. For more information on cropping, please click here.
  8. Click on “Continue”.
  9. Confirm your shipping address and click “Continue”
  10. Use the scroll down menu to select the shipping method and click “Update”.
  11. If you have a Coupon Code, enter it in the empty field within the overview section and click on ”Update” for it to be applied to the total.
  12. Review your order, select a payment method with the scroll down menu found at the bottom of the page and click on ”Continue”.

Credit Card Payments

  1. Fill in the required fields and click on ”Buy”
  2. You will see a web-based copy of your invoice. It is recommended that you keep a copy of the invoice:
    1. Click on the ‘View Printable Version’ tab at the bottom of the screen. A new printer friendly version will open.
    2. Click on ‘Print Invoice’.
  3. As soon as the payment is processed, the order will be sent to our lab


  1. Click on the “Finish” button to bring you to a printable version of your invoice and put your order in place.
  2. To complete the check payment, you must make a check payable to with your transaction number (ex: #123456) and mail it to the following address with a copy of the invoice:
    1. PhotoStock Plus378 Saint-Paul West
      Montreal, Quebec
  3. To print out a copy of the invoice, click on the ”View Printable Version” button at the bottom of the page, and “Print Invoice” from the new pop up window.
  4. Your order will be on hold until the check clears our bank, at which point the order will be sent to our lab.
    Please note that the time required for your prints to arrive depends on the method of shipping you have selected.


  1. You will be asked to log into your PayPal account (to pay using PayPal, you must already have a PayPal account). Once logged in, simply use your PayPal account as you normally would.

If you have purchased a royalty free image, you will receive an email with a download link for the image you have just purchased. Simply download it ans save it onto your hard drive.