Featured Products

Featured products can be assigned to each custom pricing group and are used to entice buyers to add certain products to their cart. While viewing your images, the products you choose to showcase will be shown above the image. There are 2 display modes to choose from:

Thumbnail Display - Default
Text Links Only - Must be set by user

By default, the display mode will include thumbnail images of the product with a text link below to allow users to easily add the product to their cart in one simple click.

You may switch between the 2 available display modes at anytime by following the steps below:

  1. Go to http://www.photostockplus.com/ and log into your account. If you are unsure how to log in, see Logging In.
  2. Click on the “Pricing” tab in the left column. More options will now be available.
  3. Click on the "Featured Products" tab in the left column.
  4. In the main window, click on the "Hide Images" to remove the thumbnail images of displayed featured products, or "Show Images" if they have been previously removed and you would like to restore the default, thumbnail display mode.

You can set up to 6 featured products and change these at any time. As they are assigned to a pricing group, once you change these products, any album with the pricing group assigned to it will have the new featured products automatically updated.

To set your featured products for a particular pricing group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to http://www.photostockplus.com/ and log into your account. If you are unsure how to log in, see Logging In.
  2. Click on the “Pricing” tab in the left column. More options will now be available.
  3. Select Pro or Economy prints from the main window to have custom pricing groups from that specific lab available to edit.
  4. Using the dropdown menu, select the custom pricing group you wish to set your featured products for.
  5. You can now set your featured products:
    • Adding Products
      From the “Available Featured Products” window, select a product and click on the top arrow button to the right of the window to add this as a featured product.
    • Removing Products
      From the “Selected Featured Products” window, select a product and click on the bottom arrow button to the left of the window to remove this as a featured product.
      Note: You can set the order of how the featured products will be shown using the arrow buttons to the right of the “Selected Featured Products” window.
  6. Click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Proceed to the following sections: